< A * delta_x
< A' * delta_y
< scaled A * x
* @name Primal and dual residuals workspace variables * * Needed for residuals computation, tolerances computation, * approximate tolerances computation and adapting rho * @{ *////< scaled A *
* @name Temporary vectors used in scaling * @{ *////< temporary primal variable scaling vector
< temporary primal variable scaling vectors storing norms of A columns
< temporary constraints scaling vectors storing norms of A' columns
< P * delta_x
< scaled P * x
flag indicating whether the update_time should be cleared
< Type of constraints: loose (-1), equality (1), inequality (0)
Problem data to work on (possibly scaled)
* @name Dual infeasibility variables * @{ *////< difference between consecutive primal iterate
* @name Primal infeasibility variables * @{ *////< difference between consecutive dual iterate
flag indicating whether the solve function has been run before
< solver information
Linear System solver structure
Polish structure
< vector of inv rho values
flag indicating that osqp_update_rho is called from osqp_solve function
* @name Vector used to store a vectorized rho parameter * @{ *////< vector of rho value
< scaling vectors
@} *////< problem setting
< problem solution
< Has last summary been printed? (true/false)
< timer object
* @name Iterates * @{ *////< Iterate
< Previous x
< Iterate xz_tilde
< Iterate y
< Iterate z
< NB: Used also as workspace vector for dual residual *////< Previous
OSQP Workspace